Thursday 29 March 2012

Monty Halls Fisherman's Apprentice

If anyone watched Monty(WorldsMostPatronisingMan)Halls last night, a couple of comments, firstly, it is highly unlikely that tope would fetch £40.00 more like £4.00, secondly the main problems facing inshore fishermen are not discards and quotas(although yes they are an issue) it is weather and tides, thirdly, most fishermen do not have Japanese wives who happen to have contacts in London sushi restaurants who will take the more unpopular fish off their hands, finally (I could go on all day! !) fishermen do not go out fishing in the hope that the Govt will suddenly re open the fisheries, they are informed by post at the beginning of each month of the catch quotas, once it's gone it's gone. OK rant over (for now !) As I'm sure you can imagine this is watched with much gritting of teeth and use of language I won't post on here ! ! 

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