Friday 17 February 2012

A bit of an up and down week this week, no fishing Monday because he had to attend training course on the awareness + prevention of hazzards.

The nets went out Tuesday hoping for nice big flat fish and not cod as the quota is fished for this month, haul of the nets on Wednesday produced a monster turbot weighing in at 3.5kg a couple smaller ones and various flat fish including plaice and the target species Dover Soles, unfortunately there was also a far bit of cod so sadly they have to go back into the sea (they are already dead) crazy but rules are rules and if he was to be boarded by the fish police (they are allowed to board any boat fishing UK waters at any time) and was found to have illegal (called black fish in the trade) fish on board they would start legal proceedings and this could result in the fishing licence being withdrawn/fines/jail or in extreme situations all three.

Thursday was spent cleaning Wednesdays nets and shooting again for hauling Friday, the weather is not looking too good for Saturday so it will probably be a day in the garden - at least I'll get something nice for dinner if he is at home to cook. ! ! 

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