Sunday 22 July 2012

Bits + pieces

He likes fishing I like flowers, I planted this mini rock garden earlier this year,

and grew this from a plug plant 

our local pub getting ready to celebrate HRH's jubiliee

Now for some fish stuff : 
Monkfish, somewhat prehistoric in appearance, only the tails are used, unfortunately they are also a favourite food for seals they (the seals) get into the nets and help themselves leaving only the heads which are not saleable, I get text messages saying "I've been Gweeked" meaning the seals won  or "Beat the b******s meaning fishy won! !

Why fly when you can save energy and hitch a ride?!

Meet Jim a.k.a. "Dolphin Man"
 on this occasion he is measuring and logging details of all fish/creatures that were in the nets, other times he will take away everything not saleable i.e. rocks, seaweeds,  etc and analyse them - as our friend Eric says "whatever blows your kilt up" Jim will also help cleaning the nets etc when not doing his sampling.

This odd looking creature is a sunfish, this one was lucky he(she?) went back alive,

another odd looking one this time a gurnard,