Thursday 26 January 2012

Saturday 14 January 2012

Thursday 12 January 2012

Good start to the New Year

Fishing commenced 7th January and was very productive, thankfully no lobster pots were lost during the bad weather late December and some were packed with nice juicy lobsters. Cod was the star of the show following the hauling of nets on 8th January- not quite the entire months quota but a good start none the less.

In fact the week has got better and better,  it has been nice to receive texts saying 'not enough fish boxes' ! !

Today is lobster pots during the day and mackerel fishing once it's dark.

Of course all this fishing does have a down side - Fishwife has to make the evening meal !  this week we have had
Saturday : Sausage casserole and jacket potato
Sunday : Cottage pie (filling made previously by MrFish) with green vegs
Monday : Butternut squash soup (made previously by MrFish)
Tuesday : Filled pasta with tomato sauce (made previously by MrFish)
Wednesday : Roasted chicken thighs with herby potato wedges and salad


Well the pork pie production was a success story, and Mr Fish was kind enough to do most of the cooking while I was at work, he even cleaned the kitchen after.  It was nice to receive a phone call from the friend who received the large family sized game pie to say how much they enjoyed it but somewhat surprising that it was only 30 mins after leaving them in the pub ! !